[Emerging Infectious Diseases] [Volume 4 No. 3 / July - September 1998] Special Issue Infectious Causes of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer Gail H. Cassell Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerful diagnostic technology, plus the realization that organisms of otherwise unimpressive virulence can produce slowly progressive chronic disease with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations and disease outcomes, has resulted in the discovery of new infectious agents and new concepts of infectious diseases. The demonstration that final outcome of infection is as much determined by the genetic background of the patient as by the genetic makeup of the infecting agent is indicating that a number of chronic diseases of unknown etiology are caused by one or more infectious agents. One well-known example is the discovery that stomach ulcers are due to Helicobacter pylori. Mycoplasmas may cause chronic lung disease in newborns and chronic asthma in adults, and Chlamydia pneumoniae, a recently identified common cause of acute respiratory infection, has been associated with atherosclerosis. A number of infectious agents that cause or contribute to neoplastic diseases in humans have been documented in the past 6 years. The association and causal role of infectious agents in chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer have major implications for public health, treatment, and prevention. The belief that infectious agents are a cause of chronic inflammatory diseases of unknown etiology and of cancer is not new. Approximately 100 years ago, doctors noted a connection between cervical cancer and sexual promiscuity that transcended mere coincidence (1). By 1911, a connection between viruses and cancers in animals had become well established (2). As early as the 1930s, mycoplasmas were proposed as a cause of rheumatoid arthritis in humans, and shortly thereafter, they were proven to be the most common cause of naturally occurring chronic arthritis in animals (3). Proof of causality of cancer and arthritis in humans was more difficult. When searches for infectious agents in cancer and arthritis found none, research began to focus on mechanisms of inflammation, tumorogenesis, and drug discovery. More recently, however, scientists have renewed searches for infectious agents. Advances in molecular biology and medical devices have revolutionized our ability to detect very low numbers of infectious agents in specimens collected directly from the affected site. HIV has demonstrated the ability of infectious agents to produce slowly progressive, chronic disease with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations and disease outcomes. Increased understanding of the body's defense mechanisms and the demonstration that final outcome of infection is as much determined by the genetic background of the host as by the genetic makeup of the infecting agent suggest that a number of chronic diseases of unknown etiology may be caused by an infectious agent. Recent data suggest a role for one or more infectious agents in the following chronic diseases: chronic lung diseases (including asthma), cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Many of the agents implicated are commonly transmissible and are either treatable with existing antibiotics or are potentially treatable with antiviral drugs. Thus, proof of causality in any one of these diseases would have enormous implications for public health, treatment, and prevention. Few areas of research hold greater promise of contributing to our understanding of infectious diseases and the eventual relief of human suffering. The intent of this paper is not to provide a comprehensive review of chronic inflammatory diseases of unknown etiology and the agents implicated but rather to utilize several models to discuss available data and to illustrate the difficulty in proving causality in chronic inflammatory diseases. The discussion is based upon the following assumptions. Most chronic inflammatory diseases are likely multifactorial. Heredity, environment, and nutrition are critical determinants of disease expression with heredity being the most important. Theoretically, chronic inflammatory diseases currently of unknown etiology could result from three different types of pathogens: 1) those that are fastidious and previously recognized but because of their fastidiousness or lack of appreciation of their disease-producing potential are not included in the differential diagnosis, and 2) infectious agents previously not recognized that therefore go undetected. Infection with either group can result in misdiagnosis and lack of treatment. Depending upon the biology of the organism and intrinsic and extrinsic factors of the host the organism can persist, resulting in chronic inflammation. The third group of pathogens would be those that elicit an autoimmune response resulting in persistent inflammation without the persistence of the inciting agent. Examples of the first two groups of pathogens will be discussed here using mycoplasmas to typify the first group and Chlamydia pneumoniae the second. Finally, recent advances in our understanding of the role of infectious agents in cancer will also be summarized. Chronic Lung Diseases Murine Chronic Respiratory Disease as a Model System The difficulty in establishing the infectious etiology of a chronic obstructive lung disease is well illustrated by Mycoplasma pulmonis and murine chronic respiratory disease. Proof that M. pulmonis can cause this disease took nearly 50 years and required inoculation of germ-free animals (4). Chronic bronchopneumonia in rats was first described in 1915 when this species came into general use for experimental purposes (5). In approximately 1940, a Mycoplasma, later identified as M. pulmonis, was recognized as a possible cause (6), but the ubiquity of the organism and its frequent isolation from healthy as well as diseased rats and mice (even from trachea and lungs) soon gave it the reputation of being a commensal with little pathogenic potential. The failure of pure cultures of this organism to consistently produce disease of the lower respiratory tract also precluded its acceptance as the etiologic agent. Only in the early 1970s was M. pulmonis alone shown to consistently reproduce all of the characteristic clinical and pathologic features of the natural respiratory disease when inoculated into animals maintained under germ-free conditions (7). Subsequent studies provided explanations for previous difficulties in reproducing the disease. The respiratory disease caused by M. pulmonis is slow to begin and long-lasting. Consequently, the disease has various stages of pathologic lesions and a lack of uniform lesions, even among animals in the same cages (due partly to variables that can affect development of the disease in the lower respiratory tract, such as intracage ammonia produced by bacterial action on soiled bedding, synergy with murine respiratory viruses and other bacterial pathogens, and nutritional factors) (7). However, comparison of animals matched for age, sex, and microbial and environmental factors indicates that heredity is the most critical determinant of susceptibility, lesion character, and disease severity. Susceptibility among animal species and among strains of the same species differ dramatically (8-11). Intranasal inoculation of M. pulmonis produces markedly different lesions in F344 rats and in CD-1 mice, even when the dose is comparable on the basis of lung and body weight. In rats the lesions progress slowly from the upper respiratory tract distally, with alveolar involvement occurring days to months following inoculation, whereas in mice, alveolar lesions develop within hours after infection and are responsible for acute alveolar disease and death within 3 to 5 days. Depending on their genetic background, mice that survive the acute disease develop chronic lung disease characterized by bronchiectasis that persists for up to 18 to 24 months or the lifetime of the animal. Studies of naturally occurring and experimentally induced disease indicate that M. pulmonis also causes a slowly progressing upper genital tract disease in LEW and F344 rats (18). Pups can become infected in utero, at the time of birth due to cervical and vaginal infection of the dams, or via aerosol from dams shortly after birth. Even though the organisms can be shown to colonize the ciliated epithelium of the upper and lower respiratory tracts of pups, microscopic lesions are not detectable for 2 to 6 months depending on the strain of rat. Development of obstructive lung disease can require as long as 12 to 18 months. Differences in severity and progression of the lung lesions due to M. pulmonis in LEW and F344 rats are related to differences in the degree of nonspecific lymphocyte activation in the two strains or an imbalance in regulation of lymphocyte proliferation in LEW rats (12). M. pulmonis possesses a potent B cell mitogen, and, in addition, the organism is chemotactic for B cells (13). Interestingly, LEW rats are also more susceptible to other chronic inflammatory diseases, including streptococcal cell-wall induced arthritis, adjuvant-induced arthritis, and allergic encephalomyelitis (12). Ureaplasma urealyticum as a Cause of Pneumonia in Newborns and Its Association with Chronic Lung Disease (CLD) in Premature Infants Respiratory dysfunction represents the most common life-threatening problem in premature infants and one of the largest costs of neonatal intensive care (14). Infants weighing less than 1,000 g at birth are more likely than those with greater birth weights to die within the first few days of birth of respiratory-related problems; those who survive are at an increased risk of CLD (15). Approximately 20% of stillborn babies and infants dying within 72 hours of delivery have histologic evidence of pneumonia (16). Yet the true incidence of lower respiratory infection acquired either in utero or at the time of delivery and its contribution to death or development of CLD are unknown. The cause of lower respiratory disease in newborn babies is a diagnostic dilemma because pneumonia in early neonatal life is usually clinically and radiologically indistinguishable from surfactant-deficiency syndrome (17). Furthermore, meaningful cultures from the lung are not easily obtained, whereas cultures of the throat, nasopharynx, and blood are unrevealing or misleading. Pneumonia The mycoplasma U. urealyticum, a common commensal of the lower female genital tract, has recently been shown to cause respiratory disease in newborn infants. Retrospective (18) and prospective (19-21) studies indicate an association of U. urealyticum with congenital pneumonia. Case reports also provide evidence that U. urealyticum is a cause of pneumonia in newborn infants (22-23). The organism has been isolated from affected lungs in the absence of chlamydiae, viruses, fungi, and bacteria and in the presence of chorioamnionitis and funisitis (40) and has been demonstrated within fetal membranes by immunofluorescence (24) and in lung lesions of newborns by electron and immunofluorescent microscopy (20). The specific immunoglobulin (Ig) M response in several cases of pneumonia in newborns further documents in utero infection (20). We have found that U. urealyticum is the single most common microorganism isolated from endotracheal aspirates of infants who weigh /1,000 g. These findings support the hypothesis that only a select group of infants, i.e., those with very low birth weights, is subject to disease due to U. urealyticum. This fact may account for the seeming disparities in conclusions regarding the role of U. urealyticum in neonatal respiratory disease reached in earlier prospective studies that failed to distinguish this subpopulation at high risk from the whole (25,26). That endotracheal isolations of U. urealyticum represent true infection of the lower respiratory tract is supported by initial isolation of ureaplasmas in numbers exceeding 1,000 CFUs (and sometimes exceeding 10,000 CFUs) and repeated isolations of the organism from tracheal aspirates for weeks and even months in some infants that continue to require mechanical ventilation. That the tracheal isolates are not merely a reflection of contamination from the nasopharynx is supported by the discrepancy in isolation rates between the two sites and recovery of U. urealyticum in pure culture from endotracheal aspirates in more than 85% of the infants (19). Concomitant recovery of the organism from blood of up to 26% of those with positive endotracheal aspirates and from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of some infants indicate that in some infants the organism is invasive (19). Fourteen percent of U. urealyticum endotracheal isolates were from infants born by cesarean section with intact membranes, indicating that in utero transmission occurs rather commonly, at least in premature infants. In a study of 98 infants, respiratory distress syndrome, the need for assisted ventilation, severe respiratory insufficiency, and death were significantly more common among those infants <34 weeks gestation from whom U. urealyticum was recovered from endotracheal aspirates at the time of delivery than among uninfected infants (27). U. urealyticum was isolated from 34% of blood cultures and also from four of six CSF samples and in 6 of 11 postmortem brain and lung biopsy pecimens. Eighty-two percent of the ureaplasma isolates were present in pure culture, and 48% of infants born by cesarean section with intact membranes had ureaplasmas isolated from one or more sites. U. urealyticum can induce ciliostasis and mucosal lesions in human fetal tracheal organ cultures (20). Furthermore, we have shown that ureaplasmas isolated from the lungs of human infants with congenital and neonatal pneumonia produce a histologically similar pneumonia in newborn mice (28). Even in this mouse model, age is a critical determinant of disease. Newborn mice are susceptible to colonization of the respiratory tract and development of pneumonia; 14-day-old mice are resistant. We have shown that endotracheal inoculation of premature baboons (well-established models of premature human infants) with U. urealyticum isolated from human infants results in the development of pathologically recognizable pulmonary lesions, including acute bronchiolitis with epithelial ulceration and polymorphonuclear infiltration, which is distinguishable from hyaline membrane disease (29). U. urealyticum can be isolated from blood, endotracheal aspirates, and pleural fluid and lung tissue from some of these animals 6 days after infection. The available evidence provides a strong argument that U. urealyticum is a common cause of pneumonia in newborn infants, particularly those born before 34 weeks of gestation. The organism can be isolated from endotracheal aspirates in up to 34% of infants weighing <2,500 g; radiographic evidence of pneumonia is twice as common in these infants as in U. urealyticum negative infants (30% vs. 16%, p = .03) (30). Many of these infections develop as a result of in utero exposure. Cases of ureaplasmal pneumonia occur much less frequently in term infants. These findings in infants are consistent with the fact that U. urealyticum infection of the chorioamnion is also much more common before 34 weeks of gestation. Lack of transplacental passage of immunoglobulin prior to 32 weeks gestation (31) may partially explain these findings. Experience from mycoplasmal respiratory diseases of animals indicates that preexisting antibody is protective, whereas antibody in the presence of an established infection is rarely effective in elimination of the organism (32). CLD in Premature Infants Some, but not all, studies (33-36) show an association between isolation of U. urealyticum from the respiratory tract of newborn infants and the development of CLD (33). Differing results may be obtained because some studies do not limit culture isolation to the affected site (the lower respiratory tract), do not limit their patient population to those at greatest risk (birth weight <1,000 g); or do not limit culture isolation to within 12 hours of delivery, i.e., most likely infected in utero. Several facts suggest that infants who acquire U. urealyticum in utero may be at greatest risk for development of CLD. Dyke et al. (34) found U. urealyticum in the gastric aspirates of infants /= for greater than or equal to.